Remove movies from netflix recently watched que

How do I remove a movie off Netflix's. How do I remove a movie off Netflix's.
31.01.2009 · Best Answer: If you are using the Roku device then you scroll through the movies, select the one you want to remove, and highlight and select "remove
Company is a Loser!!!! i'm glad i quit their internet streaming which offered no good movies, and now i am debating on canceling their dvd, especially
Netflix Recently Viewed List
Remove movies from netflix recently watched que
Netflix - Wikipedia, the free.
Netflix, Inc. is an American provider of on-demand Internet streaming media available to both North and South America, the Caribbean, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden
How do I remove a movie off Netflix's. Netflix Recently Watched Not Updating
An explanation and some reflections.
02.08.2012 · Best Answer: Go on Netflix on your computor, go over to "Your Queue" then go under the "Instant" tab. The recently watched list is at the top of the page

Delete Recently Viewed On Netflix
Remove movies from netflix recently watched que
Netflix help? How do I remove a recently. .